Friday, May 27, 2005

London in the dark

London is a pretty sophisticated city. We went and found a place we could spend the night, since we would be out and about every day almost all day long. The hotel was listed as a "workman's hotel." That, to me, indicated a bunch of guys in muscle shirts or laboring clothes full of concrete residue or tool belts hanging from their waists. However, it seems it was a hotel for people in London for a day in conference meetings or selling pharmacuticals. There were also kids from cities outside the area there for history days or whatever they come to London for. We had a nice room in what you might call a cul-de-sac. There was a room on the left of us and one on the right. There were three girls in one of the rooms and two in the other. They never had learned you don't have to slam a door to get it to close; particularly they had never learned that others are around and might be disturbed by slamming doors. When they slammed the door the third time I faced one of them and asked if they knew how to close doors so they didn't bother anyone. They said nothing, sneered, and went on their way. I went to the desk the next morning and asked if they would talk to the teacher who was with the students. I guess they did. The night came and my wife and I settled in. We'd had a nice dinner out and were tired from long walks and many things seen. We went to sleep and had a snoozy time. About 2, my wife usually wakes to go to the bathroom. She went and I was having a bit of a hard time going back to sleep. But, I heard some voices in the hallway. I couldn't make out what was said, but I thought the kids might have had a late night out. There was a sudden hush. It was as if I were waiting for the next shoe to drop. A little noise here and there, but just enough to keep me awake and wondering. Suddenly, the whole floor erupted with the noise of, probably, 10 or maybe 15 doors opening and then slamming. I was convulsed with laughter. It was so cute of them to think of that. I was laughing almost uncontrollably and my wife was chuckling as well. It was the end of a fun day and I fell asleep, fully asleep, knowing they had their revenge and it was the end. The students left the next morning. We left two days later and left a large "tip" for the staff. It was a highlight of everything, including the trips to all the sights. Doors slamming! BANG! It was wonderful. Kids, doncha just love 'em?


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